Point-In-Time Count
Our Annual Homeless Count
Every year, on a single night in January, communities around the nation participate in a Point-in-Time (PIT) count of their local homeless population.
Locally, Aurora’s outreach team coordinates our PIT count. The team picks a night in January and hits the streets to tally our Category 1 homeless population. Category 1 is a federal classification for those who are “literally homeless”, which includes those sleeping in emergency shelters, on the streets, or anywhere that is uninhabitable.
Our local PIT count was conducted on January 24, 2024.
The PIT data helps us track individuals who are chronically homeless, identify gaps in services, and determine if additional services are needed. It also impacts federal funding.
Evansville's 2024 PIT Results
The Point-In-Time count includes people sleeping in local shelters, on the streets or in a location that's not fit for habitation, such as a vehicle or an abandoned home. Since it's challenging to capture all Category 1 homeless individuals in a single night, these numbers are an estimate.
Total Homeless
Chronically Homeless
Families (1+ child)
Children Under 18
Youth on Their Own
Adults with
Serious Mental Illness
Adults with
Substance Abuse Disorder
Adult Survivors of
Domestic Abuse
Interested in supporting our efforts?
Our nonprofit members work with directly with the homeless. They all welcome community partners, donors and volunteers.