Destination: Home

Our Strategic Plan

Evansville made a formal commitment in 2002 to end homelessness in our community.

We set out to develop a 10-year strategic action plan called Destination: Home to guide us as we worked to alleviate and ultimately end homelessness in Evansville.

Destination: Home was robust, taking about two years to complete. It was created using input from subject matter experts, formerly homeless individuals, service providers, and the general public, and tons of data and research. Over 200 people participated in the development of Evansville’s first strategic plan to end homelessness.

Destination: Home included:

  • A deep-dive into the root causes of homelessness
  • Who was most at risk for homelessness in our community
  • What they needed to achieve stability
  • What resources were currently available and unavailable locally to these individuals

It was a big deal, helping Evansville shift from a reactive to a proactive approach to preventing, diverting and ending homelessness. We continued to use it as a foundation for future plan updates in 2012, 2022 and soon 2025.


A New Plan is Coming

The Commission on Homelessness is currently working a new 5-year strategic plan for 2025. The process started in October 2024 and continues into 2025.

Like previous versions, the new plan will require significant research, data and input from many individuals and groups.

Our Plans To-Date

We encourage you to review our original 2002 plan to end homelessness, along with the 2012 and 2022 updates. You’ll also find the results of a conference we had in 2022 that was funded by the American Rescue Plan.

Destination: Home 2002 Plan

Destination: Home 2012 Update

Destination: Home 2012 Recommendations

Destination: Home 2022 Recommendations

2022 HOME-ARP Conference